Saturday, 10 August 2013


Picture yourself at Pennsic, a temporary tent city of 10,000 - 15,000 persons. You are no different than a time traveller who has been dropped into a different dimension in time, and are experiencing the time period first hand.
You are walking on a pathway past medieval ships, canvas pavilion tents, gypsy wagons and yurts. Everyone you see is dressed in clothing from anytime from the late 700 to 1500's , whether it be Japanese, Turkish, Mid-Eastern, German, Mongolian, Flemish, Irish, Viking, Italian Renaissance, French or some other ethnic group. You are truly in another world and another time.
You see the pageantry of the Middle Ages with various ceremonies and parades complete with banners and music. You learn the customs when dealing with Royalty or with your own household or family group.
You hear the sounds of battle, laughter, drumming or music during the day and laughter, drumming and music in the evening. You smell food cooking at various encampments, sample some mead and visit public medieval eateries and shops. There is even a educational facility, namely Pennsic University, where you can attend a multitude of classes---some hands-on--- on medieval life, on topics from building a yurt to weaving a belt or making a purse or headpiece to medieval dance or healthcare.
You may simply witness or physically engage in battle with hundreds of other heavy fighters, either in the woods or on the battle field, or you may choose to engage in archery, fencing or thrown weapons (axes or knives). There are also activities for the children such as boppers or the water battle. You may choose to volunteer to be a water bearer at battles, a guard at your camp, or assist in many other ways. Your involvement and your experience of Pennsic is as varied as each individual who attends. Everyone is looking for something different at Pennsic and there is no shortage of experiences.
You may choose to fully engage in the both the daytime and night time activities or simply sit and visit with other like minded persons. There is no television and no game systems to distract and no Ipod to listen to, (though there are furtive looks by some at their futuristic devices ie.cell phones, watches, e-readers and cameras), so that life is spent instead truly experiencing everything around you, without distractions. "
Pennsic is an experience not to be missed.

By Janette Long

Monday, 5 August 2013

Fort Malden Military Heritage Days

A wonderful weekend was had by all. Good food and good friends were enjoyed and new friends were made. The games were highly popular with kids and adults. Also seeing the Vikings fight the Romans on the battlefield was a crowd pleaser.  A big thank you goes out to Devon and Catriona for organizing the event. Nothing would have gone as smoothly if it wasn't for everyone else who was out Micheal, Christina (our Roman slave), Lou, Melanie, Dot, Rick, and all the kids. (I hope I didn't miss anyone).
I have posted pictures to the Facebook group as well.


Monday, 24 June 2013

June 23rd Recap

Sunday June 23rd Starleaf Gate practice

Wow is all I can say, totally unprepared for the response tonight.
We did some melee training and pell work.

... Training- Barekr, Brad , Thorfinn, Damien, Tiberius, Josh, Jordy, Mitchell, Arria , Miroslav,Yukio, Leikos, Draco, Elanore, Eral, Louis, Camilla.

Lots of peeps doing A&S and stuff.


Monday, 17 June 2013

Carousel of Nations

We took part in the Children's Village at the Riverfront. Many thanks to those who attended and helped out. This was a busy day and not our usual type demo. The weather held out nicely for the weekend though and fun was had by the many children who stopped by to colour with us.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Helpful Documents

Pennsic War is coming quickly. For those going, hopefully you have preregistered to ensure you have your camping spot. Check our Documents page for some helpful information like An Organized Tent is a Happy Tent.!documents-and-links/c1aoj

Art in The Park

We stirred up a lot of interest at Art in The Park this year. Walking around to interact with the crowd was a great way for us to get our name out and to generate the interest to get people to our Pavillion. Many thanks to all of those who came out to help with this demo. It's our volunteers who make things fun and educational.

Military Heritage Days

Planning for Military Heritage Days Viking display is underway. Contact James Mulcaster or Catriona to help out.
For those -not- going to Pennsic: Catriona will be organizing the Viking encampment at Fort Malden Military Days demo this year, for the Civic Holiday Weekend. We will need people to help us demonstrate Viking life. Please call us at 519-727-0950 and leave a message if you don't get ahold of either her or myself.

Sandwich Days Festival

Planning for Sandwich Days is under way. Please contact Micheal Reeve if you are available to help with any portion of this years display including planning. This years plan is to focus on Arts and Sciences.